Easter in a lock down
8 April 2021
This passed week the world and especially Christians celebrated one of the most important event in the Christians faith Calendar- The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Pre-pandemic period would have seen faithful’s flock places of worship and even matching in the streets as they remembered the suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For others, these period would have been a wonderful time to take a break, go for a holiday or spent time with loved one. In this season just like Christmas, Children homes would receive more visitors, more donations and support and even some would have been invited to visit places like statehouse, some children would have found a well-wisher paying for them to visit a national park or just somewhere nice to rest and be children. But all that has now been turned to just memories.
A few days just before Easter Holidays, the Kenyan government imposed one of the most stringent lockdowns measures since the pandemic began last year. This meant children in Children homes would not have the opportunity to venture outside or receive visitors just like everyone else. However this lockdown has not dampened their spirit.
We recently asked them to share with us short videos with a message of Easter Holiday and from all the videos, we can tell they are in great spirit and are well taken care by their loving caregivers. To watch and enjoy the videos from various Children homes that we support please follow the link- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B0jcYL8RUuLpLwxQvNVymEKv-BGR9JXr?usp=sharing
What we see and hear is that beyond the pandemic there is hope.