11 November 2011

Being from Vancouver Canada I thought I knew all about rain but Kenya has just taught me a lesson I will never forget. We had shipped a container of supplies to Kenya for distribution to the orphanages we support in Nairobi. We were also going to expand one of the orphanages which was severely under-sized. We had unloaded the containers into trucks and were heading to the orphanage with the supplies. And then it started. Rain like I have never seen in my life. It was a torrential downpour that did not stop. Within an hour the city was completely flooded and traffic ground to a complete stop. We were travelling in two trucks and got separated prior to the gridlock. As night fell, conditions worsened and many abandoned their vehicles in search of shelter. Our crew of volunteers were riding in the back of the other open transport truck and by this point they were drenched, very cold and marooned within a city they did not know.

As we could not reach them by car and did not know their location I headed out on foot in the general direction they should have been travelling. Accompanied by two of our work party we searched for our comrades.  At one point in our trek as we waded through the streets, one of my companions dropped out of sight under the water. He popped back up quickly, having fallen into an uncovered manhole. After hiking for about an hour we came to a junction and we were able to raise them on a cell phone. They were huddled together under the plywood in the truck trying to stay warm. We determined a rendezvous point, met up and then started our journey back to the second vehicle through the flooded swollen streets. From that point we took a 4 hour circuitous route back to our room for the night. Truly one to remember.

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