25 Children

Date Founded:



Kamae, Kahawa West, Nairobi County, Kenya

Monthly Funding Needed:

$14 per child = $350

Orphanage contact:

Salome Wanjiku Gatune

Contact info:



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Background Information

Salome Gatune founded the Spirit of Mercy home in Kahawa West for abandoned children in the Kamae area, as a haven for children who would otherwise be on the streets. The high number of children abandonment cases increased the number of street children within the Kamae area. Salome felt a calling and desire to establish a home for them. To alleviate these issues, she realized she had to create a home for neglected, homeless, and destitute youngsters. The initial objective of the home was to provide shelter for the children, but she later realized that they required more than that. She could provide shelter for the children, but they additionally needed clothing, health care, and nutritious food.

Spirit of Mercy relies on well-wishers for support but also engages in pig farming as a sustainability measure for the home. School fees are also a challenge for the home, especially for the children in High school. Other basic necessities like soap, tissue, sanitary towels for girls, and clothing are also in demand.

Meeting children's basic needs, such as food, shelter, and healthcare, can have a much greater impact on their future than simply giving money. Even if a small donation is made, it can help change a child's life and build a foundation for a brighter future. We can donate our time and resources to help others in need by holding hands. It is a small way to make a big impact.