Date Founded:
Kabuku location, Limuru Sub-county, Kiambu, Kenya
Monthly Funding Needed:
$14 per child = $532
Orphanage contact:
Joan Seneiya
Contact info:
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Background Information
Fountain of Hope Centre was founded by Joan Seneiya who was troubled by the growing number of orphans and homeless children in her city. She decided to provide a safe haven where these children would be cared for and given a chance to rebuild their lives. The centre started out as a small orphanage with just a handful of children, but word soon spread about the work that they were doing and more and more children began to find their way to Fountain of Hope. The centre provides a stable foundation for orphaned, vulnerable, deprived, and destitute children by providing shelter, food, education, healthcare, rehabilitation, and reintegration.
The center's vision is to provide a safe and loving environment that enables the children to be happy, educated, skilled, and healthy. The home has been working relentlessly to foster the growth and development of the children's physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing through incorporating programs like mentorship and counselling; however, their efforts are limited due to financial constraints. After mentorship, counselling, and rehabilitation the children are reintegrated back into the community.
The home has been practicing greenhouse farming, poultry keeping, and pig rearing to develop self-sufficiency, but is still overwhelmed with the needs of the children. Fountain of Hope faces challenges in meeting the basic needs of children, especially school fees. Other challenges include paying for electricity and water, which are essential needs.