Dream Children’s Home shares their story on dealing with grief and loss of parents
15 October 2021
The most emotional difficult experience is coping with the death of your parent. It is a traumatic event that permanently changes the emotional, biological and psychological aspect in children. There is expected death and unexpected/sudden death. But the finality of death to many is felt as unconvincing especially when it is a parent. Someone whom you have been together almost every day of your life. This leaves pain, anger and emptiness that seems almost impossible to recover from. This is a short story for ‘Annette’ not the real name. Annette is a total orphan living in Dream children’s home.
She vividly remembers her parents who passed away years back. The mother passed on when she was a toddler and the father died when she was almost a teenager. Her siblings also passed away few years back. She was the only family member left alive. When her father died, she was left with many unanswered questions. She couldn’t understand what death really mean. The neighbors in the community considered Annett’s family death as misfortune /curse. Little reminders send her down spiral of sadness. “The hardest part is that I know I will never see my family again”, she sadly says.
She further advises other orphans in orphanages. ‘It takes us different durations to come to terms with death of a loved one and adjust to their absence. If you didn’t know the deceased or loved ones to your peer classmates or friends, be kind, ask how they are feeling and try cheering them up knowingly that you sail in the same boat, unfortunately, death is a non-selective routine occurrence everyday as people were born to die one day as a must in life’.
Sadness is common after one loses the parent. It is also normal for other feelings to take over. Each lose has its own unique imprint. Our society places enormous pressure on us to get over loss, to get through the grief. You’re often losing some who loved you completely and gave sense of security and stability. But taking steps to understand your emotions and find support can make the process a little easier.
You can reach and learn more about Dream Children’s Home through the contacts below
Director Dream Children‘s Home
Rachel Gichia
0720-841 175 / 0722-327 882