September 2020


Over the past seven months Children orphanages across Kenya and Uganda have endured periods of untold challenges and difficulties. From accumulated rents and bills, lack of food to struggling with keeping all the children engaged, psychologically, emotionally and physically. Directors and Orphanage founders however have shown resilience and creativity in ensuring challenges and effects of [ . . . ]

Lift the Children Trains Africas’ Children Orphanages About COVID-19

With the many challenges brought by COVID-19, Lift the Children has been spending time building capacity for Children Orphanages Directors, managers and staffs on how they can cope during this period. During the monthly online trainings that bring together over 55 directors of Children Orphanages in Africa, various thematic areas have been covered. For instance; [ . . . ]

COVID-19 Hits Children orphanages hard

Since mid- March 2020, Kenya came to a standstill. Reason? The first case of COVID19 was reported. Because the disease had already gained prominence internationally especially through the devastating effects it had caused in Europe, Africa and more specifically Kenya did not want to gamble. Immediately the first case was detected the government swiftly acted [ . . . ]

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