June 2012

Massai in Peril

As we were attending to the needs of the children in Nairobi, we became aware of a tribe of Maasai, the aboriginal people of Africa, who were in distress. A two year drought was killing the cattle, who are the mainstay of their survival. We contacted the chief and asked how we could help. He [ . . . ]

Thank you from Dagoretti Corner Rehabilitation Centre

Another kind letter of appreciation, this one is from Dagoretti Corner Rehabilitation Centre. They care for 476 residential children. Dear Lift the Children, We wish to thank God for you for your continuous support to the center. Be loved, we wish to express to you our heartfelt message of appreciation for the love God has [ . . . ]

Thank You from Faith Children Home

We had a lovely note of appreciation and picture sent to us today from Faith Childrens Home: Dear Lift the Children, Greetings from the Children of Faith Children Home, Mombasa Kenya. We thank you for your monthly support in our project. Through your support we have been able to increase the number of orphan children [ . . . ]


Restoration Orphanage is led by a very humble man named Pastor Robert. In our initial meeting I tried to assess their present situation. As we sat in a rather dark room I asked him to turn on the light so we could see each other better. He explained that they had no money and therefore [ . . . ]

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